Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Backing up Jenkin Jobs

Backing up Jenkin Jobs

There are plugins that will back you full Jenkins server ( But what if in your development team you want to backup only your jobs and add the configuration of each job to your source control.
A simple way to do this is to write a batch file that uses the Jenkins cli. To get the jenkins-cli.jar you need to go to your server at the url: http://build_server/cli/. You should get the following:

You can download the jar from the link on the top of the page.
For each command you can see how to call it.
We will use two commands. The first is to get a list of the jobs you want to backup:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://buildevsrv list-jobs abc > jobs.list
This will save the list, filtered by the work “abc” to a file jobs.list.
The for each entry in the file we do the following command:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://buildevsrv get-job "job_name" --username %1 --password %2 > job_name.xml
Enter your user name and password (you need permission for configuration of the job). This will save the configuration to your disk. Now you can save it in your source control.

For a full script to get all jobs by a filter:
@echo off
echo getting list of jobs
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://buildevsrv list-jobs abc > jobs.list
for /f "delims=" %%i in (jobs.list) do (
                if NOT [%1] == [] (
                                echo getting config for: %%i
                                java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://buildevsrv get-job "%%i" --username %1 --password %2 > %%i.xml

Don’t forget to pass your username and password to the command.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

linux autocomplete - maven

One of the very nice feature of linux is the option for auto complete on the command line. Yes windows has the power shell, but it is not the same as linux.
For those in windows and want a linux shell you can install Cygwin (

For those of us that use maven, think of how nice it would be to have auto complete for maven commands.
Well this is possible, have a look at:

If you are using Cygwin then just copy the script to \cygwin64\etc\bash.bashrc

Monday, January 6, 2014

@Configuration vs xml with prototypes

@Configuration vs xml with prototypes

There are two sides to using spring. One is the injection side, and the annotations are  @Autowire, @Inject, @Resource (see The other side is the definition of beans: @Component, @Repository, @Server.

The beginning of spring all injections were done via xml configuration files. With each version spring added more and more annotations so simplify matters.  When it came to injection annotations were usually used and xml files were used only when the annotation was not enough (like using maps).
For configuration files xml were the main default especially when complex configurations were including. One of the more complicated configurations is the prototype.


Before we go into the @Configuration, I would like to add a word on prototypes. In spring there are two scopes one is singleton and the other prototype. Singleton means that only one instance of that bean will exist in the spring context. While prototype means that multiple beans can exist. If you have a multiple singletons (from different types) that reference a prototype bean, each singleton will get its own instance of the prototype.
For example:
public class Chair {


public class Garage {

       Chair chair;

public class House {

       Chair chair;


Anyone that references the house of the garage will get the same instance as everyone else.  Though in the case of the chair both the garage and the house, will each have a separate instance of the chair.
Now when you need to generate during a runtime of the application another instance of the prototype then you need a lookup method.
For example let’s say that during runtime I need to create a new chair, so on my house class I will have a method of: protected Chair createChair();
We cannot create the chair with new Chair(), since then spring will not generate the class, and any injections within the chair class will not happen. So the spring solution to this is to create a lookup method. In the xml you write:
<bean id="house" class="com.domain.House"
       <lookup-method name="createChair" bean="com.domain.Chair" />
And in the class you need to add the abstract method
abstract public class House {

       Chair chair;

       abstract protected Chair createChair();

Spring will then implement this method and any time you call the createChair() a spring instance of the Chair will all injections will be created.

@ Configuration

With spring 3, spring add the @Configuration annotation. What this annotation allows you to do is to actually write all your xml in java code.
So for creating a bean of House we can either add @Component on the house class, we can add to the xml:
<bean id="house" class="com.domain.House"
Or we can create a class with the annotation of @Configuration to create the bean:
public class ClassFactory {

       public House createHouse(){
              return new House();

So for those people that prefer to write java code over xml files, you can now use configuration classes.
You client code still stays the same and you just inject the House using @Autowired.
Of course since the house is a singleton the method of “createHouse” will be called by spring only once and all places that inject the house will get this instance. In the case of prototypes you will add the method of:
       public Chair createChair(){
              return new Chair();

Now anytime that you inject a chair to a bean a new instance of the chair will be instantiated.
The configuration class allows you to set any properties that you want on the bean and write any code that you need. The spring framework will do its magic once the runtime finishes the method with the @Bean annotation. For example the method of “afterPropertiesSet” will be called once the @Bean method finishes.
A added advantage to the configuration bean is now you have a built in lookup method for creating prototype beans. Any class that has the @Configuration annotation is also a spring bean, so you can now inject this bean in your class and call the “createChair”. So you can now write in your house class:
public class House {

       Chair chair;
       ClassFactory factory;
       public Chair createChair(){
              return factory.createChair();
